A New Header...

More Fiddling with HTML and Other Nonsense

Kevin Turing,

HTML Stuff

I've been continuing the process of re-learning HTML and trying to get my online life in order. It's def a pain, but is getting there. I used to know it a lot better, and even finding out good ways to edit/write it is a real slog. I'm trying something different with this page right now, and it seems to be working.

It really doesn't help that all the resources online about it are all pretty bad. Web practices and web programming standards really feel like they've completely given up at trying to maintain any consistency in style and even reccomended use. Somewhat interestingly, I tried to use Bing's new-ish thing to help me fix my style problems for this page, and it generated total garbage; I'm not sure why it was so, so bad, but like wow. I'm really hoping I can figure it all out before my next post. lol

Youtube Junk

In other news, youtube's annoying and inevitably phyrric crusade against adblockers has led to the resurgence of several of nitpicks I've had with the site for a while in my mind — mostly the weird hover-fail problem and its consistent failures to handle reloading.